Question | Answer | Description | Datasource and Evidence | Comment |
Has a department been assigned to take responsibility for backyarding? | No Evidence | A leading department needs to take responsibility for supporting backyarders. |
BEPP/IDP Review 2020/2021 | No mention of a strategy |
What essential services are provided to backyard dwellings? | No Evidence | Every strategy should be clearly state, without ambiguity and uncertainty, what the city's strategy of improving backyard dwellings is. In this way, citizens can hold their governments to account. |
BEPP/IDP Review 2020/2021 | No mention of a strategy |
What is the nature of the a recognition of the occurance of backyarding in municipal plans? | No Evidence | Municipalities should recognize backyarding as an important sector of rental supply. Is the municipality supportive or discouraging of the sector? |
BEPP/IDP Review 2020/2021 | The City makes reference to 'Backyard slumming' as a problem, but also plans to construst housing for backyard dwellers. This suggests that backyarding is not recognized as a housing solution. |
Does the city have a plan for addressing the needs of backyarders? | Partial Evidence | Every city with a significant proportion (more than 5% of total city population) of backyarders should have a strategy to improve the living conditions of people living in backyarder shacks articulated in their core municipal doucmentation. |
BEPP/IDP Review 2020/2021 | The Housing Allocation and Relocation Policy (2014) is used to address the accommodation needs of backyard dwellers. A few Wards have listed refuse removal as a need for backyard dwellers, suggesting that the priorities of backyard dwellers may not necessarily be housing alloction adn relocation. |
Is there a clear indication that the municipality recognizes backyarding as a housing strategy in the city? | No Evidence | Even though the municpality might not have a backyarder support strategy, there should be evidence of this housing option in municipal plans. |
IDP Review 2020/2021 | The Human Settlements directorate does not on people staying in backyard dwellings |
% of municipal population | Partial Evidence | This figure represents the proportion of the city's population living in backyarder shacks. In other words, a bit less than one in ten people live in an informal settlement. |
Community Survey 2016 | 15% |
# HH living in backyards | Partial Evidence | The number of households residing in backyarder shacks across the entire city. |
IDP 2018/19 Review; BCM Population Study 2010 | 28 000 |
% of Provincial total | Partial Evidence | This figure indicates the % of backyard shacks in the Province located in the metro |
IDP Review 2020/2021 | 47% |
# of people living in backyards | Partial Evidence | By multiplying the number of households with the city's average household size according to census data, we get a sense of how many people live in backyarder dwellings. |
Community Survey 2016 | 92 400 |
Backyarder Growth Rate | Partial Evidence | The growth rate of households living in backyarder shacks is calculated by comparing Census 2011 data and reported figures in the IDP. |
IDP 2018/19 Review; Census 2011 | 11% |