Score: 13

All answers

Question Answer Description Datasource and Evidence Comment
Are there budgetary or institutional capacity for participatory planning in informal settlements? No Evidence

Without institutional capacity, it is unlikely that the city government will take participatory planning seriously.

IDP 2020/2021 review The City mentions the role of ward committees in facilitating community participation, but this is not explicitly related to informal settlement upgrading projects
Does the city government have partnerships in place with organisations that can facilitate community participation? No Evidence

Partnerships with internal departments and councilors and/or external organisations might be required to facilitate participatory planning.

IDP 2020/2021 review No evidence of partnerships to facilitate community participation
Are there any other special arrangements in place to allow for participatory informal settlement upgrading? Partial Evidence

Special arrangements might be required to deal with the contextual particularities of informal settlements in different locations.

IDP 2020/2021 review Community Based Planning and enhanced community engagement programme
Is there evidence that a social compact exists between the municipality and communities that are undergoing upgrades? Partial Evidence

A social compact must be concluded as part of each individual informal settlement upgrading plan. A maximum of three per cent of the project cost may be used for community/ social facilitation.

IDP 2020/2021 review Brief mention of a social compact established in the 2020/2021 IDP priorities

Meta data

Date the data became available   Unknown
Format of data   Unknown
Reviewer   Wasim Moosa
Submitters   Joe Totana
Last modified   Thu May 13 2021 07:01:40 GMT+0000 (UTC)